216 Parachute Signals Squadron Guestbook

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Keith Weller | keith~AT~keithweller~DOT~plus~DOT~com
Funeral of Bill Barnard (ex 216) to be held 1400hrs, Thurs 12 Sept 2024 at Thames view Crematorium, Gravesend Rd, Shorne, Kent. DA12 3JH.
The wake will be held at Nurstead Court, Nurstead Church Lane, Nurstead, Meopham, Kent. DA13 9AD.
Tuesday 10 September2024 - Worcestershire

Gus Emery | kenemery~AT~btopenworld~DOT~com
So Sorry to hear of the passing of Dennis Devey. Good friend and a great 800 meters runner .Also went on to run greater distances and medals galore. Rip. Dennis
Monday 19 August2024 - Hampshire

barry wilbor | barrywilbor~AT~hotmail~DOT~com
RiP Maxi, any news on funeral.
Monday 12 August2024 - moorview road

Gus Hartley | gushartley~AT~gmail~DOT~com
So sorry to hear this sad news, Maxy was a good man, condolences to the family.
Sunday 4 August2024 - Darwen

John & Lynn Bailey | Baileylynn874~AT~aol~DOT~com
So Sad lovely Max R.I.P. Condolences to all of the family
Sunday 4 August2024 - Pembrokeshire

Bernie McDonough | bbgonebiking~AT~hotmail~DOT~com
Sad news about Maxie. Great sense of humour. RIP.
Saturday 3 August2024 - Horsham west Sussex

Alan Hogg | alan~DOT~hogg2~AT~btinternet~DOT~com
Wonderful soul our Maxie, I recall we had some good nights out with Maxie and Helen. Great times on the rigging team. RIP
Saturday 3 August2024 - Pateley Bridge

Jimmy Campbell | jjc216~AT~talk21~DOT~com
Again, Sad to report the passing of Maxie Williams on 1st August. Max served in 216 during the 60’s and 70’s and was a real E Block stalwart. Further details if any are forthcoming. RIP Aiborne buddy
Saturday 3 August2024 - Dunoon

Webmaster comments   So sad, Maxie was a nice guy and friend.
R.I.P. Mate.

Alan Hogg | alan~DOT~hogg2~AT~btinternet~DOT~com
Remeber you from Harrogate, RIP John
Friday 2 August2024 - Pateley Bridge

Mick Tait | micktait4~AT~hotmail~DOT~co~DOT~uk
Just learned that John Illingworth has gone. My SQMS at 2 Div And RSM at 1 Div. Top bloke and soldier.
(MT, ex SSM, not para)
Thursday 1 August2024 - Winchelsea ESussex

Anthony Giles | tonyg7802~AT~aol~DOT~com
Please disregard all messages from Ralf Porter, he has been hacked.
Tuesday 16 July2024 - Cardiff

Chris Allen | ceejayallen~AT~yahoo~DOT~co~DOT~uk
I hope Mick Waterworth is recovering okay. (I was one of the RAF Paras who formed 244 Sig Sqn E Tp with elements including Mick from 216 in 1969.)
Saturday 13 July2024 - Angeles City, The Philippines

Webmaster comments   Nice to hear from you Chris, Yes I can remember maybe half a dozen guys leaving the Squadron for Tangmere. Noddy Clark, Bert Bowes and a couple more I can't remeber. All good lads.

Alan Hogg | alan~DOT~hogg2~AT~btinternet~DOT~comr
I remember talking to Dennis a good few years ago, he had just done the London Marathon in just over 3 hours at age 70
Friday 5 July2024 - Pateley Bridge

Bernie mcdonough | bbgonebiking~AT~hotmail~DOT~com
Sad news about Dennis Devey. Another Airborne Warrior gone. Fond memories from the sixties.
Thursday 4 July2024 - Horsham, West Sussex

Brian Earl | earlbrian933~AT~gmail~DOT~com
RIP Dennis nice to have known you when we served in 216 in the 60s
Thursday 4 July2024 - Ryton. Tyne&Wear

Alan Hogg | alan~DOT~hogg2~AT~btinternet~DOT~com
Sad news, Dennis Devey died this morning so soon after his medal presentation in Aldershot. RIP Dennis
Wednesday 3 July2024 - Pateley Bridge

Webmaster comments   R.I.P Dennis

Bernie McDonough | bbgonebiking~AT~hotmail~DOT~com
Gents just letting you know that Mick Waterworth tipped his mobility scooter over and spent some hours in A&E and has broken some ribs and a collarbone. Hopefully now recovering at home. I'll keep you updated.
Thursday 20 June2024 - Horsham, West Sussex

Webmaster comments   Thanks for the input Bernie, keep in touch.

Stan Stanley | stan216~AT~btinternet~DOT~com
Thank you to Mel, Tony, John and Ralph for a lovely weekend. Did I miss it or are there any dates for the next one because we normally book our rooms as we check out. It was unfortunate that some were unable to attend through one reason and another but great to see some new faces who hopefully will help to carry the reunion on.
Wednesday 12 June2024 - Hereford

Billy irwin | tonymidge~AT~yahoo~DOT~com
Great to see the boys and girls at the reunion. Thanks to all who made it happen and that John only had a blip and back to full health. I hope Neil McDonald is ok up in East Kilbride and all thinking about him. The evening went exceptionally and a lovely conclusion to the get together and I for one enjoyed it so thank you team and I will see you again next time god willing.
Tuesday 11 June2024 - Southport

Webmaster comments   Noddy, are you taking bookings for the next time.

Alan Hogg | alan~DOT~hogg2~AT~btinternet~DOT~com
Sad news, understand that Mick Davis died in Malawi on 4th June
Friday 7 June2024 - Pateley Bridge

Jimmy Campbell | jjc216~AT~talk21~DOT~com
Hi again All, It has been decided that an OCA group photo should be taken at the Reunion and I have been asked to inform you that this will be on the Saturday, before Dinner. Red berets will be required - but not medals. Regards.Jimmy
Tuesday 28 May2024 - Dunoon

Keith | keith~AT~keithweller~DOT~plus~DOT~com
Facebook Link - The following is a link to 216 Para Sigs Sqn.

Wednesday 22 May2024 - worcs

Alan Hogg | alan~DOT~hogg2~AT~btinternet~DOT~com
It's a great shame that morse is so little used these days, I loved it, passed 100% send and receive at 28wpm on day 1 of my Yeoman's course so I had lots of free periods whilst the tubby craphats caught up. Revived my Ham licence a while ago to give it a go but found that most of the ops were using e-keys and the like, often producing atrocious morse, so I packed it in.
Tuesday 21 May2024 - Pateley Bridge

Webmaster comments   Try the French FAV22 on 3.881Khz.

I wonder when the military gave up on Morse.

Keith Weller | keith~AT~keithweller~DOT~plus~DOT~com

This will be held at 1900 to 1930 (STC) in the Calvert Suite (tbc) on Friday 7th June 2024. If anyone has got anything for the good and benefit of the reunion could they email Jimmy Campbell (jjc216@talk21.com). Please note this is a change to the Saturday AGM.
Friday 17 May2024

Brian Earl | earlbrian933~AT~gmail~DOT~com
Would I tell a lie!! Actually I was crap at morse when I first joined the Squadron but when I went out to Cyprus to join 2 Para I really got into it and became very good at it in fact I preferred using morse it kept the officers off your back because they were no good at it and left you alone when on CW I preferred morse it kept the brain active.
Tuesday 14 May2024 - Ryton. Tyne&Wear

Webmaster comments   It's still around today, the French put out a broadcast most days at speeds from 12 - 25 wpm.

Brian Earl | earlbrian933~AT~gmail~DOT~com
Hi Noddy, Frank was good at Morse, nearly as good as me!!!!

You are being very modest Brian.
Monday 13 May2024 - Ryton. Tyne&Wear

Ralph Porter | ralph~DOT~porter~AT~216parasigs~DOT~org~DOT~uk
Another gone from Elles. RIP mate.
Wednesday 8 May2024 - UK

Billy(Noddy) Irwin | tonymidge~AT~yahoo~DOT~com
Sorry to hear Frank Kelly had passed, a lovely bloke who claimed to be great at morse, RIP Frank you will be missed. All in the pink in Southport.
Saturday 4 May2024 - southport

Webmaster comments   Like the Pink bit Noddy.

Brian Earl | earlbrian933~AT~gmail~DOT~com
Just to let you all know that our old comrade Frank Kelly passed away yesterday.
RIP Frank. Get the beers in up there.
Thursday 2 May2024 - Ryton. Tyne&Wear

Webmaster comments   R.I.P. Frank.


Jimmy Campbell | jjc216~AT~talk21~DOT~com
I remember John, Mac and Talbot very well and was very sad to hear of their passing. It was only at the last reunion that Talbot tried to sell me a kilt - you wont be surprised to hear I didn't buy it. Great guys all of them.RIP
Monday 29 April2024 - Dunoon

Webmaster comments   Good to hear from you Jimmy, hope you are well settled in your new home.

Bernie Thomas | bernardthomas~AT~blueyonder~DOT~co~DOT~uk
To add to Jim Turner points, before leaving 216 in Autumn 1972. Tel Williams transferred from the Parachute Regiment as Lineman. He loved his Nijmegen Marches and attended on several occassions. He also served with the TA SAS. Mac MacFarland known as Mac joined about the sametime as a lineman, from memory they where both good at their trade. I spoke with Mac at a recent reunion, really pleasesnt guy to speak with. RIP to both.
Sunday 21 April2024

Webmaster comments   Good to hear from you Bernie.

Jim Turner | jd~DOT~turner~AT~btinternet~DOT~com
There was a Mac McFarlane (Line man) early 70's who worked along side John Aspinall and Eric (Ricky) Richards next door to us techies at Arnhem Bks. Attended Barnsley reunion about 4, maybe 6 years ago.
Monday 11 March2024 - Newbury Berks

ralph porter | ralph~DOT~porter~AT~216parasigs~DOT~org~DOT~uk
John Illingworth funeral will be held at Darlington crematorium at 1400hrs on the 25th March. The wake will be held at the conservative club Richmond North Yorkshire.
Monday 11 March2024

Brian Earl | earlbrian933~AT~gmail~DOT~com
The Macfarland I remember was a captain and served in the Squadron in the 60's
Monday 11 March2024 - Ryton. Tyne&Wear

John Thompson | John~AT~Airborneit~DOT~co~DOT~uk
Just a quick Hello to all I have not been active on here fore a while, Still working in Argos Warehouse but I will be finally joining the retired In June.
Monday 4 March2024 - Catterick

Webmaster comments   Good to hear from you John. Just as a matter of interest when did you serve in the Squadron.

John Bailey | Baileylynn874~AT~aol~DOT~com
Sorry to hear the news to more gone. R.I.P. both condolences to both families.

John & Lynn
Monday 4 March2024 - Wales

Brian Earl | earlbrian933~AT~gmail~DOT~com
Recognise the name McFarland but can't picture him , any photos of him on the website?
Monday 4 March2024 - Ryton. Tyne&Wear

ralph porter | ralph~DOT~porter~AT~216parasigs~DOT~org~DOT~uk
Talbot Williams passed away last month he was a regular at the reunions
Monday 4 March2024 - United Kingdom

Webmaster comments   Sad news again - R.I.P Talbot

ralph porter | ralph~DOT~porter~AT~216parasigs~DOT~org~DOT~uk
Once again I am sorry to be the bearer of bad news, John Illingworth died on Saturday he was in the Sqn in the sixties. Further details to follow.
Sunday 3 March2024 - United Kingdom

Webmaster comments   R.I.P John

ralph porter | ralph~DOT~porter~AT~216parasigs~DOT~org~DOT~uk
Just to inform you that Mac Mcfarlane passed away 21st of February he was in the Sqn 1971 to 75.
Saturday 2 March2024 - uk

Webmaster comments   R.I.P Mac

Alan Hogg | alan~DOT~hogg2~AT~btinternet~DOT~com
Good news Bernie, give Mick my best
Saturday 2 March2024 - Pateley Bridge

Bernie McDonough | bbgonebiking~AT~hotmail~DOT~com
Update on Mick Waterworth. He is now out of hospital and recuperating home.
Wednesday 28 February2024 - Horsham, West Sussex

Barry Wilbor | barrywilbor~AT~hotmail~DOT~com
Just back from Brian's funeral - had a good send-off. Had to leave as had another funeral to go to same day. See u all at mine.
Wednesday 21 February2024 - N.Yorks

Webmaster comments   Hopefully you have a few more years to go Barry......

George McIntosh | postcottage1~AT~gmail~DOT~com
Gentlemen, good morning. In respect of the birthday of Tom Moorhouse, we have had a message that Tom is presently confined to the infirmary of the Royal Hospital. Would anyone be able to confirm if this is correct. Thank you.
Friday 9 February2024 - Hereford

Webmaster comments   Thanks for your input George, I will relay to Chris White who is hoping to see him today.

Alan Hogg | alan~DOT~hogg2~AT~btinternet~DOT~com
Give Tom my best wishes please Chris
Friday 9 February2024 - Pateley Bridge

Chris WHITE | Chris~DOT~debs~AT~hotmail~DOT~co~DOT~uk
As most of you know TOM MOORHOUSE has been a resident in the Royal Military Hospital Chelsea for sometime. It’s TOMS 93rd birthday tomorrow the 9th. It is my intention to travel up to Chelsea tomorrow spend the day with him and take him out to lunch. Chris
Thursday 8 February2024 - Bournemouth

Webmaster comments   Nice one Chris, please give him my best wishes and get him a drink on me - will catch you at the reunion. Keith.

You may also see Jack Frost.

Ralph Porter | ralph~DOT~porter~AT~216parasigs~DOT~org~DOT~uk
Brian (geordie) Robinson died on Monday he was in the Sqn middle sixties the funeral will be on Wednesday the 21st of February at 1000hrs at the crematorium Brierton lane Hartlepool
Friday 2 February2024 - United Kingdom

Webmaster comments   Sad news - RIP Brian

Alan Hogg | alan~DOT~hogg2~AT~btinternet~DOT~com
Give Mick my best wishes Bernie
Wednesday 31 January2024 - Pateley Bridge

Bernie McDonough | bbgonebiking~AT~hotmail~DOT~com
Gents, just to let you know that Mick Waterworth has had a nasty fall and is in hospital in Aberdeen recovering from a broken hip. It appears he was in Asda and had to wait 5 hours for an ambulance! I think we living in a third world country. He had a partial hip replacement at the weekend. I'll keep you posted.
Monday 29 January2024 - Horsham west Sussex

Webmaster comments   Thanks Bernie and please keep us up to speed with his recovery.

Pete Pritchard | pritch087~AT~hotmail~DOT~com
To all former comrades Have a happy and healthy new year
Sunday 7 January2024 - Dewsbury

Webmaster comments   Happy New Year Peter

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