216 Parachute Signal Squadron |
Our History - Acknowledgments |
I am indebted to the many ex-members of Airborne Signals for their patience and enthusiasm in answering my many questions and for their permission to use the material. I owe a debt of gratitude particularly to Brigadier D A Pringle OBE, Colonel A H Dennis, Colonel M U Ryan, Lieutenant Colonel G B Donald, Lieutenant Colonel R D Laing, Lieutenant Colonel T G V Stephenson, Major R C Pringle and Major I G Turner MBE for the trouble and kindness they have taken in providing first hand knowledge of events and for allowing me to make use of it. I am also grateful to them for their painstaking correction of my draft and for their many helpful suggestions. I gratefully acknowledge the help, guidance and encouragement I received from Mr Tom Pitch BEM, Assistant Curator, Airborne Forces Museum, Aldershot. I owe a debt of gratitude to Mrs Pat Spicer who, in addition to her normal work, willingly typed my manuscript and prepared a draft for the printers. I gratefully acknowledge also the diligence with which Sergeant B Le-Breton undertook the extraction of 'Wire Notes' which proved to be of enormous help. I would like to thank the Staffs of the Photographic Library of the Imperial War Museum, the Airborne Forces Museum and the Royal Signals Museum for their assistance. I acknowledge my debt of gratitude for permission to reproduce photographs to the Trustees of the Imperial War Museum (Plates 2, 4, 10, 14, 15, 18, 19, 20), I. Holland Esq (Plate 1), S Major Esq (Plate 6), H B Dale Esq (Plate 7), L Wilder Esq (Plate 8), D G Grieve Esq (Plate 9), R Harrison Esq (Plates 11, 12), Lieutenant Colonel R D Laing (Plates 13, 23), Major G T Radmore (Plate 16), Lieutenant Colonel G B Donald (Plates 3, 17), F W Weatherley Esq (Plate S), Major J G Turner MBE (Plate 21), Colonel M U Ryan (Plates 28, 29), Colonel A H Dennis (Plate 31), WO2 J P McGovern (Plate 36), Sergeant J G Roberts (Plate 38) and The Aldershot News (Plate 40) . M. Mcl. AYRTON. Click here to see the illustrations in another window.