216 Parachute Signal Squadron
Aldershot Years Picture Archive   


Our Picture Archive - The Aldershot Years Page 1
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1970s Desert


Duggie and Keith

Doug Baikie & Keith Weller

Ardmore 1970 (373k)


Action Man

On the right - Larry Cardwell?

Chris Davidson 1956

Smoke Break

From Left - Eric Rose, Harry Maddison, Alan Hogg & Ray Cardwell

The Boys

From Left (facing) - Alan Hogg, Bernie Thomas, John Angus, John Duffy, Doug Baikie

Steve Marshall, Ralphi Smith and Andy Fox - Kenya1972

Steve Marshall, Ralph Smith and Andy Fox - Kenya 1972

Geordie Wilson

Geordie Wilson

Derek Mclean, Craig Treeby, Pete Studd, AFLO & Robbie Laing - Squadron's first C130 Hercules descent 1967