216 Parachute Signal Squadron |
Biblography |
General | |
The Story of Aldershot | Lieutenant Colonel Cole 1951 | The British Army |
A Short History of the British Army | E W Sheppard 1950 |
The British Army 1642-1970 | Brigadier P Young 1967 |
History of the Second World War | B H Liddell Hart 1970 | Royal Signals |
Thc Royal Corps of Signals | Major General R F H Nalder 1958 |
Through to 1970 | Royal Signals Institution 1970 |
6th Airborne Divisional Signal Regiment - A History | Typescript |
The Wire - Royal Signals Magazine | 1947 - 1977 |
Unit Historical Record and Diares | |
Signal Communications 1939-1945 | The War Office 1950 |
Operational and Unit Standing Orders | Airborne Forces and Operations |
Airborne Operations | Salamander Books Ltd 1978 |
Airborne Forces 1939-1945 | The War Office 1951 |
Formation Historical Records and War Diaries Airborne Wartare 1941-1945 | B Gregory & J Batchelor 1979 |
A Bridge Too Far | Cornelius Ryan 1974 |
Dropzone Norrmandy | Napier Cruokenden 1976 |
Qut of the Sky | Michael Hickey 1979 |
Return Ticket | A Deane-Drummond 1952 |
By Air to Battle | HMSO 1945 |
Operations Post 1945 | |
Cordon and Search | Major R D Wilson 1949 |
Suez: The Seven Day War | A J Barker l964 |
The Suez Expedition 1956 | General d'Armee A Beaufre 1969 |
The Blue Berets | Michael Harbottle 1971 |
Formation Orders - Various | |
Signal Insrructions - Various | |
The Brink of Jordan | Sir Charles Johnstone 1972 |
The Brltish in Egypt | Peter Mansfield 1971 |
Kuwait - Prospect and Reality | H V P Winstone & Zahra Freeth 1972 |